Palantir Stock Analysis Price Prediction. Palantir Technologies Inc. – PLTR- the most recent trading day at $12.59, moving -1.79% from the previous trading day. This change lagged the S&P 500’s 0.04% loss on the day. At the same time, the dow lost about 0.58%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.18%. Prior to today’s trading, shares of the company had gained 16.33% over the past month. This has outpaced the Business Services sector’s gain of 1.48% and the S&P 500’s gain of 2.67% in that time.
Looking for positivity from Palantir as it approaches its next earnings report date. In that report, analysts expect Palantir Technologies Inc. to post earnings of $0.04 per share. This would mark no growth from the year-ago period. Meanwhile, our latest consensus estimate is calling for revenue of $443.3 million, up 29.91% from the prior-year quarter. Looking forward to the full year, our estimates suggest analysts are expecting earnings of $0.20 per share and revenue of $1.99 billion. These totals would mark changes of +53.85% and +28.85%, respectively, from the last year.
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