Net opinion on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Net opinion on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

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Larimer County recently received a clean audit opinion for its 2021 Annual Financial Report prepared by the Larimer County Department of Finance.

The Larimer County Board of Commissioners accepted the report at its regular administrative business meeting. An unqualified opinion indicates that the county has faithfully followed national accounting standards and provides reasonable assurance that the report is free from material misstatement. Having a clean opinion also contributes to a good bond rating.

RubinBrown, Certified Public Accountants & Business Consultants, a firm of independent public accountants, audited the financial statements of Larimer County as required by Colorado State Statutes.

The report was prepared by county staff under the direction of Larimer County Finance Director Carol Block, Controller Lorrie Lopez and Director of Accounting Alex LaBlanc.

The opinion confirms that Larimer County meets high financial reporting standards. A clean opinion provides the public with confidence that the county’s financial reports are reliable and transparent.

The report includes the county’s audited financial statements, management analysis, statistics and other financial information. The standardized format used for the report makes it easy to compare Larimer County to itself over the years and to other counties and cities across the US

View the Larimer County Annual Financial Report 2021 a

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About the Author: Chaz Cutler

My name is Chasity. I love to follow the stock market and financial news!